
What do you think America's future will be for women's rights rights? How do you think you can effect change?

I think that Americas future for women's rights will be that once Trump is not president than maybe us women will have the same chances as men have. But as of now no I don't think so because as long as the president doesn't do anything nothing major will happen. I think I can effect change by having  a peaceful protest and informing people through social media. Maybe making a public twitter on women's rights that people can view and inform people the date of the protest. Women live with difficulties that are not talked about enough!


  1. Hello Valerie

    I agree with the statement, "I think that America's future for women's rights will be that once Trump is not president than maybe us women will have the same chances as men have." To further add on to that, I think America's future for women will improve if men start treating women as equals. Link: https://goo.gl/J9GypG

    From Kevin.

  2. Hi Valerie,

    While I agree with most of what you wrote in your response, I don't agree with your last sentence. I think that the difficulties that women face are talked about a lot. I think that the real problem is that people who are in power and actually have the influence to change things don't acknowledge these problems because they like to exploit them.

    From, Anthony

    1. I agree with you AnTony. People who are in power don't show that they want change to happen

  3. Hello, Valerie,
    I agree when you say that when Trump is no longer president women can have the same or even better chances like men. Trump as our president now is making things worse than what is was before. I think women should be treated with the same respect, and have the same chances and rights as everyone else. I mean what makes them different?


  4. Hello Valerie,

    I disagree with "as long as the president doesn't do anything nothing major will happen." because the president is not the only person in America who has the power to change things. Anyone can make an impact.


  5. I agree with you Valerie with the line "I think that Americas future for women's rights will be that once Trump is not president than maybe us women will have the same chances as men have" because trump has a lot of people that he influences as our president and he is becoming one of the major problems in the society.

  6. I love your presentation, it was really explanatory and a really interesting lesson. I like how by yourself you explain each of point of the lesson, your oral presentation was excellent. Good job!

  7. I disagree with "as long as the president doesn't do anything nothing major will happen." because https://www.trumanlibrary.org/whistlestop/teacher_lessons/3branches/1.htm

  8. Hello Valerie

    I agree with the statement "I think I can effect change by having a peaceful protest and informing people through social media" because social media is the easiest way to inform a large group of people at the same time. Here is how social media can cause change: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/ritusharma/power-of-social-media-dem_b_6103222.html

    From, Victor


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